Top 5 Body Code Imbalances
Confession: I love statistics.
I've held many admin and IT jobs over the years, but my favorite task in any of these positions, always included using Excel to create fancy dashboards and reports.
Example of The Introvert Healer Energy Healing Report clients receive after their Distance Energy Healing Session.
While each client has their own private session history on our secure server, I also maintain a de-identified database* to keep track of any trends.
Courtesy of my nerd spreadsheet, I present:
The Top 5 Most Common Body Code Imbalances
The Body Code System includes over 800 different imbalances.
During your Body Code session with Passion/Gratitude, we identify and energetically release or correct the imbalances and associated imbalances, related to the issue or goal of your choosing.
The below 5 imbalances are the most common imbalances which have been released from Passion/Gratitude clients, as at 24 October 2022:
Common Trapped Emotion
Frequency: 18% of all imbalances released from Passion/Gratitude clients have been Common Trapped Emotions.
Definition: A Trapped Emotion is a ball of energy, about the size of your fist, which has become stuck in your body, from your past experiences - regularly called “emotional baggage.”
An emotion can become trapped when it is felt intensely, it is denied or ignored, or when the normal emotional process (creating -> feeling -> letting go) is interrupted.
"Common" refers to the fact that this was an emotion you felt, rather than one you absorbed, shared or inherited.
Trapped Emotions are normal and everyone who experiences emotions (man, woman, child or animal) can have them.
Learn more about The Emotion Code
Common Heart-Wall Emotion
Frequency: 9% of all imbalances released from Passion/Gratitude clients have been Common Heart-Wall Emotions.
Definition: A Heart-Wall is an energetic barrier the subconscious builds to protect itself. Any Trapped Emotion can become a Heart-Wall Emotion, and form one layer of the Heart-Wall.
While Trapped Emotions may be lodged anywhere within the body, Heart-Wall Emotions are specific to the chest area.
Heart-Wall Emotions keep out the painful emotions, but they can also block and dull the positive emotions.
Learn more about The Heart-Wall
Idea Allergy
Frequency: 4% of all imbalances released from Passion/Gratitude clients have been Idea Allergies.
Definition: Idea Allergies are generally created when the subconscious mind makes a faulty or negative connection with a particular idea (any thought, emotion, concept, event, action, person, place or thing).
The subconscious mind may generate any kind of symptom in an attempt to avoid proximity to this idea. Symptoms may range from subtle to extreme: self-sabotage, emotional reactivity, avoidance, phobias, and even stress-related physical symptoms.
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Inherited Trapped Emotion
Frequency: 3% of all imbalances released from Passion/Gratitude clients have been Inherited Trapped Emotions.
Definition: An Inherited Trapped Emotion is a Trapped Emotion which was created by one of your biological ancestors. At the point of conception, this energy was inherited, epigenetically, as part of your DNA.
Inherited emotions may go back multiple generations. When the emotion is released from one person, it is released from everyone who inherited it.
Learn more about The Emotion Code
Broadcast Message
Frequency: 3% of all imbalances released from Passion/Gratitude clients have been Broadcast Messages.
Definition: A Broadcast Message is a specific type of vibrational frequency that is stored in the body.
They are short commands or descriptors which are continually sent out to people around you, similar to a message from a radio tower.
Broadcast Messages can subconsciously influence the way other people think about you and treat you.
Sometimes the subconscious requires a positive message to replace a Broadcast Message. Other times, releasing the negative message is enough.
Examples from my personal sessions:
"Get away" - no replacement required.
"Rescue me" - no replacement required.
"I am submissive" - replaced with "I am strong and assertive."
"Fight me" - replaced with "Accept and respect me."