The Introvert Healer
Energy Healing From One Introvert to Another.
Passion/Gratitude: The Introvert Healer’s Blog
Energy healing, self-development and spirituality blog.
Articles from the desk of Maryann Whitelaw: Certified Energy Healer | Self-development Enthusiast | Introvert (INFJ) | Spiritualist | Heart-Centered Solopreneur.

Top 10 Trapped Emotions
The Emotion Code can identify and release 60 different emotions.
Discover the Top 10 Trapped Emotions which have been released from Passion/Gratitude clients as at 1 November 2022.
(All personal and identifying information removed.)

Top 5 Body Code Imbalances
The Body Code System can identify and release over 800 different imbalances.
Discover the Top 5 Body Code Imbalances which have been released from Passion/Gratitude clients as at 24 October 2022.
(All personal and identifying information removed.)