The Introvert Healer

Energy Healing From One Introvert to Another.

Passion/Gratitude: The Introvert Healer’s Blog

Energy healing, self-development and spirituality blog.

Articles from the desk of Maryann Whitelaw: Certified Energy Healer | Self-development Enthusiast | Introvert (INFJ) | Spiritualist | Heart-Centered Solopreneur.

Maryann Whitelaw TheIntrovertHealer
Energy Healing FAQ: Which type of session do I need?

Energy Healing FAQ: Which type of session do I need?

FAQ: Emotion Code, Body Code, Belief Code… What’s the difference and what kind of session do I need?

Find out the answer and see a preview of what your session will look like when you Book Your Distance Energy Healing Session at

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Why your intention matters
Maryann Whitelaw Maryann Whitelaw

Why your intention matters

Your intention and the intention of the practitioner influences the outcome of your session.

While language is limited to other person’s understanding, Energy is not…

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Top 5 Body Code Imbalances
Body Code, Healing Maryann Whitelaw Body Code, Healing Maryann Whitelaw

Top 5 Body Code Imbalances

The Body Code System can identify and release over 800 different imbalances.

Discover the Top 5 Body Code Imbalances which have been released from Passion/Gratitude clients as at 24 October 2022.

(All personal and identifying information removed.)

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Passion/Gratitude: The Introvert Healer banner. Text has horizontal lines above and below.

Emotion Code, Body Code & Reiki.

Distance Healing, No Conversation Required.

Same Day Email Sessions Available.