I don’t want to talk about it


Some people get great comfort from being able to put their thoughts, fears, concerns and feelings into words.  

  • Saying it out loud;

  • Feeling heard and understood;

  • Being offered a shoulder to cry on; and

  • (if requested) receiving some wise advice.


That has not been my experience

 I have always preferred journaling and introspection rather than talking.


On the odd occasions where I have tried to voice my concerns, I often felt worse afterwards:

  • Dismissed with comments like "I didn't see/say/hear that" or "I don't remember it that way";

  • Called irrational and told "I'm sure you misunderstood"; Or worse still

  • The person I confided in would even take the other person's side: "maybe you deserved it".


One of my favorite things about The Emotion Code is that you don't have to talk about the heaviness which has been weighing you down.


Once you give permission for a session to be completed, we release your trapped emotions directly from your subconscious - no prying questions asked.


In fact, you don't even have to tell your practitioner what you would like to work on. You can be as cryptic or private as you like on your in-take form.


As long as you have set the intention for what you would like to work on, your session with Passion/Gratitude will be led by your subconscious.


From my own healing journey, I have worked with a lot of different practitioners. Although it rarely happens, it so disappointing when someone else chooses to lead my session with their own agenda. Whether they have just learned something new or they allowed their assumptions to override their muscle testing - it doesn’t feel right and it limits the healing potential of the session.


This is why it is very important to me that we honor and accept the wisdom from your subconscious mind.


Everyone's healing path is different. Your body knows which Trapped Emotions and Energetic Imbalances are most important to address during YOUR session.


Another benefit of The Emotion Code:

When we release the emotions associated with an event, often that removes the emotional charge and makes it easier for you to talk about it - when you choose to and with the people you trust.


The Emotion Code is such an elegant energy balancing method!

Maryann Whitelaw

Certified Emotion Code, Body Code & Belief Code Practitioner + Advanced Reiki Master Teacher, Self-development Enthusiast, Introvert (INFJ), Spiritualist, Heart-centred Solopreneur.


Top 5 Body Code Imbalances


Repressed Memories: How do I heal from events I don’t remember?