Less than 5 years ago, meditation and mindfulness were seen as something “new-agey”.

If you confessed that you were interested in meditation or you practiced mindfulness, it was often met with a derisive snort and some form of “hippy” comment.

I fully acknowledge that I was one of those haters during my skeptical, judgmental youth. 😅

Thankfully those days are behind me, and most of polite society.

These two quiet, calming, (non) activities are now a standard practice for everyone who has an interest in maintaining their mental health.


Are you new to meditation?

If you have not yet tried meditation, I wonder if you have the same objections I had?

  • Do I have to sit like that?

    • Only if you want to.

    • You can meditate or have a mindful moment while standing in line at a café, sitting on the bus, or even lying in bed at night.

    • (That last one is a great one for beginners who often fall asleep during meditation… 🙋🏻‍♀️ Like I used to.)

  • I don’t have time to “do nothing”.

    • Meditation doesn’t have to be a long, decadent affair. Have a quickie!

    • Start with 1 minute of focusing only on your breath. This could be while you’re waiting for a website to load, you’re on hold during a business call, or while washing your hands.

    • Have a mindful moment while waiting for the toaster to pop: stare at a plate and notice everything about it. What shape is it? What color is it? How large is it? Is it heavy? Does it have a pretty pattern? How many times have you used this plate before? Are there any chips or scratches?

  • I can’t silence my brain.

    • That’s okay. Everything is learnable.

    • With practice you will be able to put aside the chatter.

    • For now, just notice the thought, then let it float away. Imagine the thought turning it into a bubble which bursts, a puff of smoke that drifts away, or a leaf floating down a stream.

  • People will laugh at me.

    • No one needs to know. There is no special equipment or outfit required for some in-your-mind time.

    • And you may be surprised. A lot of people are quiet advocates for meditation.

    • If you decide that you are enjoying and benefiting from meditation, does it matter if other people understand or approve?

Meditation Benefits

  • Lower your heart rate

  • Improve blood flow and blood pressure.

  • Reduce stress induced cortisol.

  • Strengthen the neural pathways which help you feeler calmer, faster.

  • Tap into your intuition and inner knowing.

Meditation helps you to center yourself by quieting the mind and ego. Start by taking a few minutes each day to release your concerns and begin to listen to your heart.

As you continue to meditate daily, it will become easier to think and act in alignment with your true self, and free yourself from outside expectations which do not match your values.

[See the Passion/Gratitude Blog Post: Core Values for tips on understanding and identifying your core values.]

Meditation Resources

'An Ordinary Dude's Guide to Meditation' by John Weiler

If you’re interested in meditation but you’re not quite sure about the spiritual aspects, this is the book for you.

Jon Kabat-Zinn

A collection of mindfulness meditations guided by Jon Kabat-Zinn, founder of MBSR (mindfulness-based stress reduction).


If you have trouble quieting your mind during meditation, MindPlace can offer a solution. They have a range of consoles and eyewear for a full audio-visual experience.


InnerTalk have a wide collection of patented subliminal self-help technology, designed to change the way you talk to yourself.

Marianne Williamson

A series of daily mediations from Marianne Williamson - author, self-help guru and spiritual advisor to Oprah.

How was it?

Are you a natural meditator? Were you able to mute your thoughts? Did you tap into the quantum field? Did you see anything or hear a message from your subconscious?

If meditation seems like something you would like to try, but you feel an inner resistance to starting or continuing, you may have Trapped Emotions, subconscious blocks or energetic imbalances holding you back.

Book an Energy Healing Session with Passion Gratitude: The Introvert Healer today. Receive distance Emotion Code, Body Code and Reiki healing to release the blocks and achieve a better mind-body-soul connection.

Maryann Whitelaw

Certified Emotion Code, Body Code & Belief Code Practitioner + Advanced Reiki Master Teacher, Self-development Enthusiast, Introvert (INFJ), Spiritualist, Heart-centred Solopreneur.


Healing based on a meme? Kinda.


Top 10 Trapped Emotions