The Introvert Healer

Energy Healing From One Introvert to Another.

 The Belief Code

  • Tile: Belief Code

    Belief Code Sessions

    Same-day Belief Code Sessions via email. Release 1 Belief System and the associated imbalances *without* the difficult conversation.

  • Tile: Sketch of woman's face with a cloud of swirls around the head, representing thoughts

    Parallel Belief Systems

    See an example of what can be released when a Parallel Belief System is identified during a Belief Code Session.

  • Tile: What is a Tangled Belief System? Drawing of bisected tree with two large root systems

    Tangled Belief Systems

    A Belief Code session example of what is released when a Tangled Belief System is identified.

  • Certified Belief Code Badge

    Gain Belief Code Certification

    Ready to gain your own Belief Code Certification?

  • Tile: What's the difference? Emotion Code vs Body Code vs Belief Code

    Belief Code vs Emotion Code vs Body Code

    Not sure whether you need a Belief Code, Emotion Code or Body Code session? Find out the difference between the modalities.

No Phone Calls. No Prying. No Judgment.
Just Energy Healing With Emailed Results.

Want to know more?

Check out Dr Bradley Nelson’s official website: Discover Healing to investigate becoming a Certified Practitioner.

Purchase the book ‘The Emotion Code’ and ‘The Body Code’ Books by by Dr Bradley Nelson.

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