Healing based on a meme? Kinda.

The meme of a disappointed otter holding a mini guitar appears in my social media feeds quite often.

In December, I had 3 interactions which are perfectly summarized by this meme.

Otter holding a tiny guitar. Text reads: When you show someone something you're really proud of and they say "cool" and change the subject.
Meme: I know that feel bro

I was so excited to share my work, but the responses - or rather lack thereof - left me feeling rejected, dejected, disappointed and disregarded.

What’s a healer to do when the big feelings arise?

Acknowledge the sensation ✅ Then, investigate the cause. 🕵️

  • What is it in me that attracted these interactions?

  • Why was it triggering?

  • Do I really need outside validation?

The Results

Using the same Emotion Code, Body Code and Reiki practices I offer my clients, these are the results of my own Energy Healing Session:

1.     Broadcast message of "Rescue me"
2.     Memory Field with the theme: insecurity
3.     Physical trauma
4.     Common Trapped Emotion: Longing       
5.     Will to control
6.     Curse   
7.     Entity   
8.     No will to Receive support
9.     Common Trapped Emotion: Peeved       

10.   Physical emotional shock
11.   Broadcast message of "I am hiding"
12.   Common Trapped Emotion: Lack of Control  
13.   Cording
14.   Memory Field with the theme: nervousness
15.   Recovery interference                  
16.   Post-hypnotic suggestion of "I'm ugly"
17.   Physical trauma
18.   Spirit break


Healing Journey: A choose-your-own-adventure story

Everyone’s healing journey and Energy Healing session results look a little different.

Although we can all feel the same/similar way about a situation, the root cause will almost always differ.

We all live through different experiences and we create interpretations of these events, based on our lived experience.

  • The same event which caused me to create a Broadcast Message of “Rescue me” may manifest as an Emotional Reverberation of Panic within you.

  • My “Will to Control” may present as a “No will to take responsibility” energy for you.

  • My “Physical Trauma” could have been a “Physical Emotional Shock” to your system.

The wonderful thing about The Emotion Code and The Body Code is that your session is always led by your subconscious.

Your subconscious mind is a super computer that labels, catalogues and files everything that has ever happened to you. It knows what is causing the physical discomfort, emotional struggles and unconscious patterns which hold us back.

Energy Healing Session Report

This is what a year of Energy Healing sessions looked like for me.

This is the same template I use for your Distance Energy Healing Sessions.

As a self-professed self-development enthusiast, I truly believe that knowledge is power and:

Informed = Empowered

When you are aware of your past emotional patterns, you have the ability to recognize when that energy arises again, and you can become more mindful of how you react.

Once you are aware of your triggers, you have the chance to choose how you want to respond to stressful events (and challenging people) in the future.

Are you ready to start your healing journey with The Introvert Healer?

Maryann Whitelaw

Certified Emotion Code, Body Code & Belief Code Practitioner + Advanced Reiki Master Teacher, Self-development Enthusiast, Introvert (INFJ), Spiritualist, Heart-centred Solopreneur.


The Body Code Book


Meditation Practices