The Introvert Healer
Energy Healing From One Introvert to Another.
Passion/Gratitude: The Introvert Healer’s Blog
Energy healing, self-development and spirituality blog.
Articles from the desk of Maryann Whitelaw: Certified Energy Healer | Self-development Enthusiast | Introvert (INFJ) | Spiritualist | Heart-Centered Solopreneur.

Belief Code Question: Are you sure I believe that?
Belief Code Question: Are you sure I believed that?
During a Belief Code session, some belief statements can seem unlikely or unfamiliar to our conscious mind. Find out why.

What will come up in Your Energy Healing Session?
What will come up during YOUR Energy Healing Session?

Isn’t Energy Healing Weird?
Them: Isn’t Energy Healing Weird?
Me: It’s as weird as a tomato…

What can Energy Healing help with?
What is involved in an Energy Healing Session from

Energy Healing FAQ: What Do I Tell People Who Don’t Believe in Energy Healing?
When you’re the first in your circle to explore spirituality, it can be difficult to share your beliefs. Here’s how I deal with criticism from non-believers.

Energy Healing FAQ: Will Energy Healing Fix Me?
Your healer’s response to this question tells you a lot more about them than their healing method.
My answer to the question “Can Energy Healing Fix me?” is always: No.
Read on to find out why not…

Permission, Belief and Intention
A quirky religious experience. The behind-the-scenes story which inspired my Instagram series about Permission, Belief and Intention.

Emotion Code Question: How do you know you’re working on me?
Client question: We’ve never met. How do you know this email Emotion Code session was for me?
An explanation of how a proxy/distance connection is established and maintained during your Emotion Code, Body Code or Reiki session.