Energy Healing FAQ: What Do I Tell People Who Don’t Believe in Energy Healing?
This comes up a lot.
Whether you’re exploring energy healing, trying to start a business or taking up a new hobby, there will always be someone in your life who just doesn’t get it.
Sometimes the best thing they can say is “It’s not for me, but I love that for you.”
And sometimes, they lash out with “I don’t believe that, and you shouldn’t either.”
That has happened to me.
Someone I have known for over 10 years, decided all of his assumptions and misconceptions about alternative health services were true.
Rather than ask questions with curiosity and an intention to understand, he just unleashed a barrage of hateful, incorrect accusations at me.
In public. At the top of his voice.
It wasn’t fun.
But even at the time, I knew it was just another part of my personal growth journey.
‘The Untethered Soul’ by Michael Singer is a great read. Michael teaches you how to allow your heart to remain open. To let experiences and emotions pass through you with “clinging”.
A calling to be true to myself.
To realize there was nothing I could say in that moment that was going to break down the barrier. To allow myself to let the judgement pass through me. To reject the labels he was trying to attach to me.
I stood my ground. I stayed calm. And I said “You don’t have to believe. It’s not for you.”
Eventually, my lack of reaction bored him and he moved on.
Which is a point from The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer: If someone is trying to ‘get your goat’, just let them have it. You don’t want that goat (negative experience) anyway.
Even if you haven’t had a similar experience, if you are the first in your circle to dabble in energy healing/spirituality, you may be wondering:
How do I explain energy healing to my friends/family who don’t share my beliefs?
First of all: You don’t have to tell any one, any more than you are comfortable sharing.
If someone remarks that you seem happier, calmer, more like your old self, full of energy or any other positive comment you attribute to a spiritual practice, receive the compliment in the highest way possible.
Assume they mean it in the best possible way. Accept it at face value and say “Thank you.”
If they ask what you’ve been doing, but you worry how they will react to the idea of an alternative health service, simply call it “personal development”.
Just say you’ve been working on yourself and you feel great.
Everyone is on their own path and they can only meet you at their current level of consciousness and understanding, based on their own experiences.
Please do not be discouraged by skeptics or critics.
🚶 Keep going down your own path.
🌱 Focus on your growth.
🦄 Prioritize what brings you joy - even if other people think it is “weird”.
There is nothing wrong with wanting to believe the world is a magical place, and there is no shame in taking the steps towards emotional freedom which feel right to you.