How to Believe You Are Enough and Transform Your Life

I am a big fan of Jamie Kern Lima.

As someone who doesn’t wear make-up AT ALL, I first heard of Jamie (the founder of IT Cosmetics) when she co-hosted GrowthDay with Brendon Burchard prior to the release of her first book Believe It: How to Go From Underestimated to Unstoppable.

In Believe It, Jamie shares her journey of starting a make-up business/brand in her home, persevering through rejection after rejection; from teetering on the edge of bankruptcy to eventually selling her company to L’Oreal for over a billion dollars. And yes, that is BILLION, with a ‘B’!

I believe Jamie Kern Lima is resilience personified.

So when Jamie announced the upcoming release of her new book ‘Worthy: How to Believe You Are Enough and Transform Your Life’ I pre-ordered it 6 months in advance.

As part of the pre-order gifts from, I was one of the lucky people to receive an early release e-copy of the book.

Obviously, as a self-confessed Jamie Kern Lima fan-girl, I LOVED THIS BOOK.

It deeply resonated with me, because it is everything I have been saying on my blog for years. (Except that my posts include less [Read: no] real life stories from millionaire friends and captains of industry 😅 - yet!)

Rediscovering Self-Worthy with Energy Healing

In my blog post My Journey to Health I share how energy healing was the catalyst which allowed me to release emotional baggage and rediscover my self-worth.

Your Energy Healing journey is unique. Allow me to meet you where you are, knowing that I have been there too.
Start your journey today.

As I read ‘Worthy’, I highlighted, I screenshotted and I said “YES!” because I believe this book is a perfect accompaniment to Belief Code work.

Our Belief Systems *can* be total BS.

Whether you learn to notice your limiting beliefs through self-development, reading books or a Belief Code Session - it is a powerful skill.

And you deserve to have this skill in your metaphoric tool-box.

Worthy’ by Jamie Kern Lima is definitely a must-read for everyone on a healing journey… and aren’t we all?

‘Worthy’ by Jamie Kern Lima Quotes

Some of the many quotable sections I highlighted while reading ‘Worthy’ by Jamie Kern Lima.

Are You Ready to Believe You Are Worthy? Start with a Belief Code Session Today!

Maryann Whitelaw

Certified Emotion Code, Body Code & Belief Code Practitioner + Advanced Reiki Master Teacher, Self-development Enthusiast, Introvert (INFJ), Spiritualist, Heart-centred Solopreneur.

Energy Healing FAQ: What Do I Tell People Who Don’t Believe in Energy Healing?


Belief Code: What does an average session look like?