Belief Code: What does an average session look like?

Belief Code Statistics based on 126 sessions performed by Maryann Whitelaw

Confession: I love statistics.

Compiling data and creating funky dashboards of tables and graphs is fun to me.

It is one of the transferable skills I bring to my energy healing practice after working in IT Project Governance for over a decade.

But before we get to the numbers, let’s starts with the facts…

The Belief Code: What is it?

The Belief Code is a new addition to The Body Code - the larger system which The Emotion Code sits within.

The Emotion Code and The Body Code are the energy healing modalities which were created by Dr Bradley Nelson.

The Belief Code system was created by students of Dr Bradley Nelson and later adapted by Discover Healing as an addendum to the Body Code System.

Emotion Code / Body Code / Belief Code: What’s the difference?

  • The Emotion Code identifies and releases Trapped Emotions. This is Discover Healing’s Level 1 Certification.

  • The Body Code identifies and releases energetic imbalances. This is Discover Healing’s Level 2 Certification.

  • The Belief Code releases subconscious “truths” which are holding you back. This is Discover Healing’s Level 3 Certification.

Together these systems help to create the ideal energetic conditions for your body to heal itself.

Belief Code: Who can provide a Belief Code Session?

To use the title ‘Belief Code Practitioner’ or provide a trademarked Belief Code Session, you must hold all 3 Discover Healing Certification Levels.

Belief Code Session Statistics

The following statistics are based on 126 Belief Code Sessions completed by me, Maryann Whitelaw, since earning my Belief Code Certification in November 2023.

Statistics are current as at 7 February 2024.

Most Belief Code sessions release 1 Belief System and the associated imbalances.

The total number of Belief Systems released is inflated due to the inclusion of statistics from Parallel Belief Systems.

Belief Code: Belief System Types

There are 6 Types of Belief Systems which can be identified during your Belief Code Session. A full definition of the type of Belief System identified and released during your session will be included in your emailed session report.

Belief Code: Statement Themes

Each belief statement identified during your Belief Code session is classified with a specific theme. The themes are linked to the 7 main chakras, specific glands, muscles and systems within the body, and to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.

A description of the belief statement connections will be included in your emailed session report.

Are You Ready To See What Beliefs Are Holding You Back?

Maryann Whitelaw

Certified Emotion Code, Body Code & Belief Code Practitioner + Advanced Reiki Master Teacher, Self-development Enthusiast, Introvert (INFJ), Spiritualist, Heart-centred Solopreneur.

Worthy by Jamie Kern Lima


The Belief Code: Tangled Belief Systems