Energy Healing FAQ: Will Energy Healing Fix Me?

Profile view of  woman's face. Eyes closed with beam of light shining into third-eye chakra

My answer to the question “Can Energy Healing Fix me?” is always: No.

You are not broken!

If you meet someone who claims they can “fix” or “cure” you: Run away. Or at the very least, exercise your best judgment - as you walk away quickly.

Regardless of how strong your healer’s belief in their abilities may be, there are never any guarantees in the world of Energy Healing.

The biggest promise your healer can (and should) make is to approach your session with an open mind and an open heart.

  • To suspend their assumptions.

  • To recognize that you have experienced a completely unique set of life events.

  • To set a pure intention for your highest good only.

  • To acknowledge that your spiritual DNA is perfect and your soul is always whole.

Silhouette of person meditating. Text reads: Your spiritual DNA is perfect and your soul is always whole

Your Body Can Heal Itself

Labeling myself as a “healer” was difficult for me. I don’t consider healing to be a rare gift reserved for a few people. I believe we are all healers.

You have an innate ability to heal yourself.

Your body is capable of amazing things. But sometimes past hurts, unfair circumstances or conditions, limiting beliefs from others or your own subconscious create energetic blocks.

Imagine your path to self-healing and happiness like an obstacle course:

  • Your emotional baggage creates walls you can’t see past or grow beyond.

  • Your energetic misalignments keep you stuck in the sandpit.

  • You are slowed down by carrying a heavy backpack filled with other people’s expectations and negativity.

My role as an Energy Healer is to remove these obstacles. To help you awaken the healing power within you. To empower you along your unique path to happiness.

Energy Healing is About Comfort

I believe Energy Healing is about comfort and empowerment:

  • Learning to be comfortable with your emotions.

  • Feeling comfortable in your own skin.

  • Being comforted by the knowledge that you can improve your situation.

  • Knowing that despite your past, your future can be as beautiful as you choose it to be.

Are You Ready To Believe in Yourself?

The first step along any path starts with making a decision.

Decide you are ready to invest in yourself. Choose to find what resonates with your beliefs at your current stage of life.

Whether that is counselling, life coaching, medical intervention or Energy Healing (my specialty), I encourage you to take that step.

Start believing in yourself and your worthiness to be, have and experience the beautiful life you deserve.

You were never broken and you could never be broken. Your soul is always whole and calling your forward towards the happiness you deserve.

Are you ready to start your healing journey with The Introvert Healer?

Maryann Whitelaw

Certified Emotion Code, Body Code & Belief Code Practitioner + Advanced Reiki Master Teacher, Self-development Enthusiast, Introvert (INFJ), Spiritualist, Heart-centred Solopreneur.

Confession: I used to think happy people were stupid


Offensive Energies