Confession: I used to think happy people were stupid
Cringing Confessions from the mind of an Energy Healer; before Energy Healing.
A new blog series about the thoughts of an Energy Healer: before Energy Healing.
I wasn’t raised in a spiritual or new-age household. I was a firm skeptic. This blog series is for people like me.
Whether you are at the start of your healing journey or you’re reflecting on how much you too have changed, I hope this series inspires you in some way.
It can be intimidating to embrace the “weird” world of Energy Healing. Please know that you are not alone. When you’re ready to suspend disbelief and reclaim your emotional freedom, without judgement or difficult conversations, The Introvert Healer is here to help.
Read on or Book Your Distance Energy Healing Session Now.
To your success and happiness,
🌺 Maryann Whitelaw
Certified Energy Healer | Self-development Enthusiast | Introvert (INFJ) | Spiritualist | Heart-Centered Solopreneur
It’s embarrassing to admit but before I started my own healing journey, I used to wonder:
😠 How could any informed person be happy?
😤 Didn’t they know what the world was really like?
😡 Why did they get to live a good, easy life while the rest of us lived in such a harsh reality?
That’s not even the worst part.
When people I knew had genuine reasons to be happy, I was too busy focusing on my own jealousy.
Sure, I would “congratulate” people on their success and happiness, but I never actually meant it… 😳 My first thought was always: Why didn’t that happen for me??
Does my confession resonate with you?
Have you also wondered the same things? Have you faked joy for a friend’s success? Have you been a little bit happy for a family member but also felt a lot of jealousy?
If so, like me:
You may have a Heart-Wall
In The Emotion Code a “Heart-Wall” refers to the layers of trapped emotions which are protecting your heart.
A Heart-Wall protects you from heartache by numbing *all* of your emotions. When your heart is guarded it is harder to feel genuine joy - for yourself or others.
Clearing your Heart-wall is a beautiful, transformative experience.
I am proud to say that I am now one of those annoying happy people 😁 and I genuinely do want other people to be happy too!
When you’re ready to shed the emotional baggage - without the difficult conversations- Energy Healing can help.