Confession: I was a Mean Girl… to myself
Cringing Confessions from the mind of an Energy Healer; before Energy Healing.
A new blog series about the thoughts of an Energy Healer: before Energy Healing.
I wasn’t raised in a spiritual or new-age household. I was a firm skeptic. This blog series is for people like me.
Whether you are at the start of your healing journey or you’re reflecting on how much you too have changed, I hope this series inspires you in some way.
It can be intimidating to embrace the “weird” world of Energy Healing. Please know that you are not alone. When you’re ready to suspend disbelief and reclaim your emotional freedom, without judgement or difficult conversations, The Introvert Healer is here to help.
Read on or Book Your Distance Energy Healing Session Now.
To your success and happiness,
🌺 Maryann Whitelaw
Certified Energy Healer | Self-development Enthusiast | Introvert (INFJ) | Spiritualist | Heart-Centered Solopreneur
Self-Talk or Self-Abuse?
As an introvert your internal world can be your sanctuary. You can retreat to the quietness of your mind, reflect, mentally process events, de-stress and even strategize on what you can do next.
But as a highly sensitive person, your internal world can also be a minefield of past hurts.
Hurtful, thoughtless comments from other people seem to burrow deeper into your subconscious.
They play on a loop. You start to believe them. They can even start to sound like your own voice. Then, you start piling on with your own version of these “truths”.
That was my experience.
I grew up being told I was “Fat and ugly and don’t belong in this family.”
And I believed it. I expected everyone I met to think some variation of that statement:
How did she get so fat?
She doesn’t belong here.
Why is that ugly girl here?
No one wants to friends with her.
She’s so gross.
Because I was expecting other people to think and say those things, I would often say horrible things about myself out loud in an attempt to beat-them-to-the-punch and lessen the blow.
If you’ve also acted this way, you may have the Trapped Emotion of Self-Abuse. Self-Abuse is one of the 60 Emotions on The Emotion Code Chart.
The problem?
The way you speak about yourself teaches other people how to speak to you.
They unconsciously learn “Its okay to insult this person. They know they’re unworthy of respect.”
Every single person is worthy of respect. Every single person is worthy of love.
But sometimes we forget. Sometimes the expectations and limiting beliefs of others dull our shine. Sometimes it can feel like we have to earn our right just to exist.
If you’ve ever felt that way, or you still feel that way, I am here to tell you:
It is time to reclaim your power.
Try these 3 empowering self-talk mantras next time a negative thought-loop tries to take root in your mind.
I recall my power to me.
I revoke permissions to my energy.
I am sovereign.
Reclaiming Confidence
The biggest game changer for me was clearing my Heart-Wall.
After years of feeling “less-than”, walking with my head down and putting everyone else’s needs and opinions before my own, I finally realized:
I deserve to be here as much as anyone else.
And so do you!
You matter.
You deserve to be happy.
You are worthy of living your dream life.
Be Kind To Yourself. You’re the Only One Listening.
Another fantastic resource which helped me with my self-talk is What To Say When You Talk to Yourself by Shad Helmstetter.
One of the exercises is to take an honest inventory of your repetitive negative self-talk.
Once you have your (often brutal) list, Shad guides you on how to challenge those thoughts. To write a more positive, fairer response to those thoughts.
And once you have your script, he teaches you how and when to apply it.
It is a brilliant book with lots of actionable steps.