Offensive Energies

Energy is 1 of the 6 Body Code categories, and it includes the subcategory ‘Offensive Energies’.

Body Code app screenshots

Despite the name, offensive energies are nothing to fear.

Everything is made of energy. Energy can be physical (your body, furniture, flowers, buildings etc) and it can be invisible (heat, wind, emotions, thoughts etc).

It can be incredibly empowering to think of offensive, sabotaging energies in the same way you think of a cool breeze. After all, they’re made of the same building blocks!

As you release more imbalances using the Body Code, you often become more sensitive to energy. This sensitivity helps us to identify when a negative thought or feeling is not our own.

I experienced this yesterday.

It was my day off and I was considering the adventures I could fill my day with, when suddenly it felt as though a dark cloud had settled over me.

Out of nowhere, I felt ashamed and exhausted. I was just sitting alone on my couch, planning my day. How did that happen?

I mentally retraced my thoughts and considered how that feeling could have been triggered before realizing: that’s not mine.

I started a Body Code session on myself and sure enough, the first imbalance was a ‘curse’.

Have you felt that feeling before? Had an intrusive thought that seemed to drop on you head out of nowhere? Ever experienced a recurring pain whenever you’re around a negative person? It was probably an offensive energy.

Next time that happens, try these mantras:

• I reject this offensive energy.

• There is no energy more powerful than me.

• I recall my power to me.

• I release anything which no longer serves me.

Body Code Screenshot with background image of a woman holding a shield and spear

With muscle testing, we can ask where the offensive energy came from and how long it had been with us, but I prefer to release offensive energies without prying into why, where or who it came from.

Often these sabotaging, ill-will energies are from a temporary, negative thought towards us. The person experiencing these thoughts may have even been influenced by their own offensive energies.

I like to think of releasing offensive energies as ending a cycle.

We’ve found it, transmuted it into love and released it as positive energy into the world.

If you would like to learn a shielding practice, my favorite 4-line protection invocation and visualizations are in my very first blog post: Energetic/Psychic Shielding.

Ready to release offensive energies and other imbalances which are holding you back?

Maryann Whitelaw

Certified Emotion Code, Body Code & Belief Code Practitioner + Advanced Reiki Master Teacher, Self-development Enthusiast, Introvert (INFJ), Spiritualist, Heart-centred Solopreneur.

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