An uncomfortable truth or just not right?

I went to my local Spiritual Church’s healing and reading day yesterday.

I sat with a reader who used psychometry to give me an eerily accurate assessment of my current situation and a beautiful prediction of upcoming events.

After that positive reading, I felt so amazingly optimistic and I could have happily skipped out the door, except I had already booked a hands-on-healing with a spiritual healer.

There was a 20min wait before my session, and that was fine. I was still beaming from my reading and trusted I would be seen by the right person, at the right time.

During the spiritual healing, I sat with my eyes closed and breathed in through my nose for 6 counts and out through my mouth for 10 counts.

While practicing my slow, mindful breathing I silently repeated my intention to Accept, Share and Release:

  • Accept the healing energy being offered;

  • Amplify and share this healing energy with everyone in the church today;

  • Release any dense energies which no longer serve me.

At the conclusion of the 15min session, I felt complete. My intention had been successful and I was ready to continue my day with joy.

However, the healer felt called to give me an “intuitive” message: I must stop drinking and I need to eat healthier.

I said “okay thanks” but this message did not resonate with me at all.

As part of my introspection, I am left wondering whether this message was for someone else who was in the space or if it was based on her own assumptions.

  • Was this message actually meant for her?

  • Was her intention to read me blocked because I was not open to messages? My intention was to accept and share healing, not open my energy for a reading.

  • Did she assume my soft belly must be alcohol related?

  • Did she think my large build was from a life of bad choices rather than any medical or genetic factors?

It’s interesting to ponder, but ultimately, it doesn’t matter.
My approach to spirituality and life is:

Take what resonates and leave what does not feel right.

Maryann Whitelaw. Text overlay reads: Discerning whether a message is an uncomfortable truth or if it's just not for you

Sometimes people tell us things we don’t want to hear.

Accepting and learning from uncomfortable truths about ourselves is how we heal our shadow - the parts of ourselves we don’t like to acknowledge.

But what if their comments, messages or opinions about us are just wrong?

Being able to discern whether a message is an uncomfortable truth or completely off the mark, is an important part of our healing journey.

From my own healing and from client feedback, I believe releasing Heart-Wall emotions is the fastest way to improve your intuition and trust your inner knowing in these situations.

It also helped me to release the need to be right. Letting go of the desire to tell people why they’re “wrong” is so liberating 🙌

I could have stood there and told this well meaning woman that I’m over 2 years sober and I’ve lost 30kgs in the last 6 months, but what would that achieve?

She would have felt discouraged and I probably would have spent the day reverberating with ‘Conflict’ energy.

My intention is to honor everyone's healing and spiritual journey and accept where they are on the path.

If you are ready to release Heart-Wall emotions and intuition blocks, The Introvert Healer is here to help.

Maryann Whitelaw

Certified Emotion Code, Body Code & Belief Code Practitioner + Advanced Reiki Master Teacher, Self-development Enthusiast, Introvert (INFJ), Spiritualist, Heart-centred Solopreneur.

Offensive Energies


Permission, Belief and Intention