My Heart-Wall Clearing Experience
Most of my life I felt unacceptable.
Being mixed raced, I felt “too white” in some situations, “too brown” in other situations, and just generally unwanted in most others.
This led to a lot of self-rejection, low self-esteem and social anxiety from expecting everyone else to judge and reject me as well.
In September 2020, I decided I didn’t want to feel that way anymore. I had wasted so much time feeling “less than” and numbing myself with alcohol and gambling.
I decided to start my self-development and empowerment journey by giving up alcohol and no longer playing the pokies - two coping mechanisms which had been a part of my daily routine for over 10 years at the time.
To give myself the best chance at sticking to my convictions, I joined Facebook groups about sober living and started reading “quit-lit” such as The Unexpected Joy of Being Sober by Catherine Gray and Alcohol Lied To Me by Craig Beck.
“Quit lit”: Literature about sobriety.
While browsing one of the Facebook sobriety groups, I saw a member had posted the question:
How do I forgive myself for the things I did while I was drinking?
Amongst the dozens of answers, ranging from joining Alcoholics Anonymous, seeing a therapist and journaling, was one comment that caught my eye:
Emotion Code by Dr Bradley Nelson.
That’s it.
No further context. No likes or responses to the comment.
But those 6 words piqued my interest.
Emotion Code… What is that?
What’s that got to do with sobriety?
Why did everyone else ignore that comment?
And [after a google search]: The foreword is by Tony Robbins?!
Within 10 minutes of reading that simple and ignored comment, I had purchased the e-book and started reading.
To be brutally honest, as I read the book, my cynical and skeptical nature scoffed at the idea of energy healing.
Applied kinesiology? Magnets? Energy Meridians? Pfft. Sounds like placebo effect. Surely it’s not that easy!
Then something inside me whispered:
But what if it is that easy?
Well, that would be pretty amazing. Hmm… Okay. I kept reading.
It wasn’t until I reached Chapter 8 of The Emotion Code: The Walls Around Our Hearts that I realized how lifechanging this energy healing method could be.
Dr Bradley Nelson’s story of discovering his wife Jean’s Heart-Wall deeply resonated with me.
Feeling like you are on the outside looking in. Tick.
Not feeling emotionally safe. Tick.
Difficulty connecting at social gatherings. Tick.
Feeling numb to positive and negative emotions. Double tick.
I knew, without a doubt that I too, was hiding my heart beneath a thick, energetic Heart-Wall.
After a month of reading and watching everything I could about The Emotion Code and The Heart-Wall, I booked a Heart-Wall clearing package, via email, with a Certified Emotion Code Practitioner.
My first round of Heart-Wall clearing took 4 sessions, and released 38 Heart-Wall emotions. Unsurprisingly, 13 of these emotions were instances of “Rejection”.
No wonder I had social anxiety!
The amazing thing is: after my first Heart-Wall session, the hyper-awareness of people looking in my direction and paranoia of what they were thinking about me, just disappeared.
I went shopping the day after I had received my emailed results, and it wasn’t until I got home that I realized: it hadn’t even occurred to me to be nervous!
I felt comfortable, confident and happy the whole time I was out in public.
After each of my Heart-Wall clearing sessions, I felt more and more unburdened, and just generally at ease with myself and my place in the world.
Discovering how amazing life can be when you are Heart-Wall-free is what inspired me to become a Certified Emotion Code Practitioner.
I am eternally grateful for that one Facebook comment, 2 years ago which set my life of this path.
Heart-Wall clearing is my favorite service to provide, and I would love to be a small part of your healing journey.
Purchase a Passion/Gratitude Heart-Wall Clearing Session today, and let’s get you started on your path to a lighter, brighter, Heart-Wall free future.