The Belief Code

Are you curious about the Belief Code?

The Belief Code is a ground-breaking energy healing method of releasing limiting beliefs.

The Belief Code is third level of the Discover Healing certification levels.

The Belief Code expands on The Emotion Code (Level 1) and The Body Code (Level 2) to facilitate even more profound energetic shifts.

“This new system makes it easy for practitioners to trace a belief system down to its roots, and unearth unwanted, incongruent ideas at their starting point!
- Discover Healing

The Belief Code, The Body Code and The Emotion Code are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any medical condition or psychological disorder. For medical or emotional emergencies, please seek help from your local support services.

Maryann Whitelaw Belief Code Summary

Belief Code Sessions

There are different types of Belief Systems which can be identified during your session.

Not all Belief Systems are created equal

The number of belief statements and associated imbalances released does not dictate the transformative power of the session.

Releasing 3 long-term, deeply entrenched beliefs and a handful of associated imbalances can be far more beneficial than releasing 8 beliefs and a dozen associated imbalances.

Maryann Whitelaw Belief Code Summary

Belief Code Sessions are led by your subconscious

When I start your Belief Code session my only intention is to amplify your intention.

My intention at the start of a session is to identify and release the Belief System and associated imbalances which will have the biggest positive impact in the area you are seeking.

Belief Code Session Example

These are the belief statements which came up for me today.

My personal intention was: Releases to help me remain strong, healthy and energetic.

1. Belief System: Basic

A. Negative Program > Power > Growth > "I never improve"

B. Limiting Belief > Divine > Success > "Success is for others, not me"

C. Faulty Core Belief > Passion > Trust > "I don't believe in myself"

D. Faulty Core Identity > Passion > Time > "I can't deal with time constraints and pressure"

2. Associated imbalances

A. Memory Field

B. Physical trauma

C. Miasm > Dad's, dad's dad (Great-grandfather)

3 Balanced Subconscious Gap

Pyramid of a Basic Belief System statements

Belief Code: Are you sure I believe that?!

The Belief Code only releases the faulty subconscious beliefs which you no longer believe at the conscious level.

The top layer of the Belief System is more likely to resonate with you because these statements often pop up as our negative/intrusive thoughts.

The deeper we go into root of the belief system (the limiting beliefs, faulty core beliefs and faulty core identity beliefs) the less obvious the beliefs can seem.

This is because they have been with us for so long, they become automatic.

Think of the lower level belief statements like the nose of your face: no longer part of your usual field of vision because your brain filters it out automatically.

Pyramid of the Belief System layers

Ready to start seeing what has been holding you back?

3x Belief Code Session Package available for the introductory price of $222USD until 31 January 2024.

Pyramid of the steps in a Belief Code package

Wishing you continued health, happiness and healing,

Maryann Whitelaw

Certified Energy Healer | Self-development Enthusiast | Introvert (INFJ) | Spiritualist | Heart-Centered Solopreneur.

Maryann Whitelaw

Certified Emotion Code, Body Code & Belief Code Practitioner + Advanced Reiki Master Teacher, Self-development Enthusiast, Introvert (INFJ), Spiritualist, Heart-centred Solopreneur.

The Belief Code: Parallel Belief Systems


Why your intention matters